Posted today is one of my boxart projects for wargamming figures. It depicts a team of Terek Cossacks raiding a German supply depot. To me, the cossacks has always been an interesting subject matter ( same as the Polish cavalry ) especially they are a dramatic contrast to the weapons and machines used in that period.
I think some of your work would make great boxart for many wargames companies.
Are you familiar with GMT Games? http://www.gmtgames.com
or Decision Games?
or Multiman Publishing?
I would love to see your work on the box covers.
Hi Chuang,
Thanks for the links, actually I am not familiar with the wargamming field. It might be a possibility for future works, who knows:-)
Nice painting Vince.
Vincent, please tell us how you research your subject to get all of the details regarding weapons and equipment. You seem to always be historically accurate.
Hi Tim,
Sorry for the late reply, March Break is a difficult time:-) Most of the time I had to be my daughter's chauffeur and also manage to catch up with my project schedule.
The reasearches are accumulation of information in the last 15 years. Apart from painting and searching ways to improve my painting skill, my other hobby is collecting books. Right now, I have more than a thousand books in my basement covering subjects from WWII history, samurai, to interior design. But that is not to say I am expert with all these subject matters but rather I am still learning everyday:-)
very unique blog!!
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